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If I were a frog (개구리라면)

Poetry is language. That is a sign or symbol or mark./ It may contain thought or ideas, but it is not ideas or thinking./ It may express all the range of human emotion. / But if its language is not vital, fresh and surprising,/ those emotions will be blurred and ineffectual./ Poetr is vital, fresh, and surprising language./ Stale language will be ineffective./ Commonplace language will have no imp..
Poetry is language. That is a sign or symbol or mark./ It may contain thought or ideas, but it is not ideas or thinking./ It may express all the range of human emotion. / But if its language is not vital, fresh and surprising,/ those emotions will be blurred and ineffectual./ Poetr is vital, fresh, and surprising language./ Stale language will be ineffective./ Commonplace language will have no impact./ Without a vital language,/ the basic devices of the poet will be nothing.// Symbols come together to create meaning and existence./ In such a process, the poet writes poetry./ How will the readers take such a phenomenon?/ They say that poetry is dead./ For what shall the poet live?// He must find the oxygen/ which may or may not exist in the unknown world./ The soul that exists in nature and the soul of a human/ must come together to create a new being.// Natural phenomenon, human, science, and all other things/ change over a single night./ The poet must lay his heart to people,/ and throw the image on the earth and the space./ I just wish that my unfinished poem/ will turn into peace and happiness.
― 이덕상 DEOKSANG LEE, 책머리글 <(작가의 말) Poet's acknowledgments>
■ 이덕상 시인•평론가
△경기 안성 출생
△휘문고, 고려대 졸업
△《문예사조》 시 및 평론 등단
△문예사조문인협회 부회장
△한국문인협회, World Poetry(세계시문학) 회원
△114번역(주) 대표이사
△시집 『난 너로 인하여』, 『지하철 타고』

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